renee wanna do a fourth album then take a long break..i agreed..she works we worked on her fouth in just two months yes two was the best work everrrrrrr..she became the newst A List star..her fourth album sold 15 million copies..her first single went to number one for 8 weeks..her second single went to number 2 for 3 weeks..her third single number one for 4 weeks..her fourth single nuber one for 5 weeks..she is shooting her two new movies togther..becaus we are planning our biggest world tour everrrrrrr so she is super busy with her movies, and promoting her singles and albums..she also made a camo at a tv sitcome called how i met ur mother..and glee did an episode o her songs..her fourht album is called True Love yet complacated..she also won alo of wards..grammys for album of the year, single of the year, best female artist, and alot more..we are happy
the world tour is bigger than everrrrr..its called Red & Black..its me and her LOL..she is a readhead and im and renee talk and agree on everything..we neverrrrr fight..we'v been togther for 4 years and she is 25 and im 65..we are happier than ever..our tour is in 60 cities in american already booked fully, 80 europe already booked,asia 40, midle east 3..and happy
the tour was full of work for renee she was really tired and wanted a break..we would fuck every night..we love sex..she told me that she want to have my baby.then i said i want her to be the mothr of my kids..then we cried and hugged..what can we do.its married and she cant imagine selena having another i told her when the tour is over iwill take care of our amazing love and tell selena about it..she was afraid then i said dont worry baby..
after 3 months of touring..the tour is over..and the clock is tiking