they wanted me to do another movie..and i did this time i only wrote it an directed it..its called why did i get married..and it became a hittttttt for five weeks number one
they also wanted me to write and dircte a kids movie and i agreed because i have an amazing idea..i called it and wrote it..hotel for dogs..it stayed at the top of the box office for 7 weeks..

the casting manager chose this beautifull 17 year old innocent girl..she was the nicee of julia roberts..her name is emma roberts..she was always on time and did her job perfectly..she has an amazing personality..and she is a good actress..i clicked with her..she would always come to my trailer and chat with me and ask me about moives and writing with her notepad..everyone laughs at her..but i took her seroiusly..she was a nice girl..when we wrapped the movie she hugged me and said im gonna miss you too bad your take...i was like what? but i didnt say a word..because i thought she was joking..anyway..everyone on set has my cell number..
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