me and bar been togther for 6 years never get's dull with her..she is a beautiful women..we always spice things up..but as a man i sometimes crave another women..and im scrared to tell i lived my normal life with her

one day i decided to tell bar the truth about me and irina ...and when i did bar collapsed cried and hit me..she was shocked and asked me why? and i said i was stupid and it ment nothing and i ended it..she left the house..and the paprazzi caught her crying but thank god her sungalsses were with her..

after 3 hours she returned home..i bathed the kids already and fed them and made them sleep..i was afraid..but she came and said i wanna ask you one thing..and i said anything and she said was it worth it..and i said no and then she said do i have to worry about leaving you alone with a women and i said never i swear and she said then why her and i said it was 3 months and no sex and she came to my room and throw her self at me..i was sorry baby plz believe me it ment nothing..i love you and i feel sorry ..plz forgive me..then she said..i know your heart and sould digol i know it ment nothing but promise me that i can trust you because i will..and i said i swear baby..then she huged me and we kissed and slept..