Thursday, April 15, 2010


the book been out for two months now..the third month my puplisher called me to tell me the book is the number one best seller at every where..everyone want to interview me and want a piece of and ming were glad and couldnt believe it..they already signed me to do another book and i agreed..i'v 50 interivews in the u.s and been to oprah and got invited to all the events..everyone became obssesd with me..oprah loved and ming were glad..the paparazzi would take photos of us now..we became the it couple cuz of the book.. i got nomainted for writers guild award and i won four fiction story and ming were over the moon

after that i'v done 12 interviews including agine oprah..she just loves me and ming..she invited us to her house and told me she want me to write a monthly page in her magazine and i agreed she will pay me 6000 dollers monthly because i got offers from other magazines but i only wanted oprah' life was good..i also gonna work on my new book

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