in four months i finished a new book called love in the time of cholera..while writing the book i took ming and my kids to live for four months in coloumbia south american to write this book..and maybe i say this book became bigger and more succesful than my first one..i'v travled all over the place for promo and done tv and movie promos..and ming was pregnant we couldnt be happier..
ming gave birth to a beautiful baby girl we called her aoki ..we were glad..and greatfull..and OK magazine paied us 2 millions to share the pics..and we agreed
i won awards agine for this book..and everyone wanted me and ming every where..we were getting rich by the seconds..even oprahs magazine got more readers by 40%..i was the man of the hour..and ming too..paparazzi loved and ming became closer and fell more for each other while i worked on a new book..

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